Too much advertising noise?

If you’re a business owner, especially of start-ups’, who is overwhelmed with ads and expensive acquisition costs, level up your content marketing game to stand out.

🤯 Companies usually run ads, not for the sole purpose of closing a sale, but they just want to stay on top of your mind.

Be it Netflix, Gmail, LinkedIn, or Instagram – even though they all have different objectives, they just want to grab your attention. 

😰 Everybody is competing to grab your attention. They want to reach your eyes first and then your pockets.

But how to stay ahead of all this noise?

✨Welcome to the ‘world of content marketing.’✨

Businesses have an incredible opportunity to stop interrupting and start helping their customers with content.

Why is content marketing more than important in 2022?

🔥 Because Google loves great content.

According to Hubspot, SEO is now shifting to a topic cluster model, where a single ‘pillar’ page acts as the main hub of content for related sub-topics that help solve a customer’s query. The algorithm prefers analyzing phrases rather than focusing solely on keywords. The keywords can still play into your overall strategy, but topics are now the umbrella under which your keyword strategy operates.

So start creating great content.

🔥 Be everywhere

Distribute your content in the form of blogs, videos, podcasts, emails, social media posts, PDFs, guest posts, etc.

🔥 Triggers conversation

We all heard of the phrase, “Content is king”. But what after that?

Install a WhatsApp chatbot on your web pages, let them consume content, and keep prompting them to have a conversation with your business. Get their queries solved instantly and make them your customer.

Check out Hubspot and Shopify bots.

🔥 Definitely puts sales on autopilot

People are busy, and none of those people want any cold selling. Be there when they need you.

Customer searches for a query on Google.

Finds your content helpful and informative. And then, they reach out to you when they’re ready to work with your brand.

🔥 Amplifies your brand

Value-driven content helps businesses create and nurture strong relationships with their audience, making them your loyal customers in the long run.

🔥 Better social media traction

Repurposing your content on different social media platforms. This will give a whole new audience a chance to discover and consume your content, acquiring new customers at zero ad costs.

🔥 Lead generation on autopilot

Create quality content and include CTAs (calls to action), which, when clicked, generate new leads.

🔥 Supports your SEO effort

Content marketing and SEO work hand-in-hand. Search engine algorithms are changing from time to time, but the only thing that remains constant is the dependency on content especially the text content for a better-ranking website.

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